Procedures For Bringing Pets

Below are the procedures that you will have to follow when you intend bringing in your pets:

1. Please check the Veterinary Import Regulation to confirm that your pet can be brought into Malaysia at

2. Complete Application Form A to apply for import permit. Attach current vaccination record for dogs and cats. Pay RM5.00 / head (dog and cat) and RM0.10 / head (bird) for import fee. Submit the application to Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) at Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry, Wisma Tani, Block Podium, Lot 4G1, Precinct 4, Federal Government Adiministration Centre, 62630 Putrajaya OR at State Veterinary Departments. The application form will be processed within one working day.

3. Apply for special approval for restricted breed of dogs (Rottweiller, Doberman, German Shepard / Alsatian including Belgian Shepard and East European Shepard, Bull Mastiff, Bull Terrier and Perro de Presa Canario (also known as Canary Dog).

4. Import of Pit Bull Terrier / Pit Bull (also known as American Pit Bull, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier), American Bulldog, Neapolitan Mastiff, Japanese Tosa, Akita, Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero are not permitted. Refer DVS’s website for further information at

5. After obtaining Import Permit, please make booking with DVS for quarantine of certain animals and birds. Quarantine period ranges from a minimum of seven days and can be extended to certain period if the animals are infected to a maximum of 30 days.

6. All animals and birds under quarantine are subjected to a quarantine fee. For example, dogs only RM 10.00/head/day. Please refer to DVS’s website for details.

7. Before exporting pet to Malaysia, the owner must obtain veterinary health certificate for pet from the government veterinarian of the origin country. This must be done within 7-10 days of export.

8. Submit the following original documents upon arrival in Malaysia to DVS officer at point of entry:
  • Original import permit.
  • Original Veterinary Health Certificate from home country.
  • Original Vaccination Certificate.
  • All documents above must be in English or a certified translated version.
  • Complete Customs Form No. 1 (K1) using tariff code 0106 (zoos and pet) for importation.

9. The pet will be brought to quarantine station, if it is subject to quarantine.

10. Collect pet after quarantine period.

  • Import Permit is issued on a consignment basis.
  • Import Permit is valid for 30 days and may be extended to 60 days upon request.
  • Owners are advised to familiarise themselves with the import regulations and comply with the conditions in the regulations. Refer to DVS’s website for details.
  • No quarantine if dogs from rabies free country (United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Eire, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Japan, Singapore). e. Exotic pets of wildlife origin may be subject to wildlife conservation conditions. Refer to Department of Wildlife and National Parks website:


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